Gilded Reflective Mirror

Gold-Coated Reflective Mirror is an optical component designed and manufactured by Fengruida Optoelectronics in Shangrao City. It utilizes high-quality glass or optical-grade materials and forms a ref..

  • Product Introduction
Gold-Coated Reflective Mirror is an optical component designed and manufactured by Fengruida Optoelectronics in Shangrao City. It utilizes high-quality glass or optical-grade materials and forms a reflective layer coated with gold on the surface. This gold coating enhances the mirror's reflective properties and makes it suitable for various optical applications.
Our gold-coated reflective mirrors undergo precise manufacturing to ensure surface flatness and optical characteristics meet high standards. The gold coating provides enhanced reflectivity, making it effective for optical systems in different wavelength ranges.
Choosing Fengruida Optoelectronics for gold-coated reflective mirrors offers the following benefits:
  • Enhanced Reflectivity: Gold coating improves the mirror's reflective properties for effective performance in optical systems.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for various optical applications, including laser systems, communication equipment, and measurement instruments.
  • Precision Manufacturing: Rigorous manufacturing processes ensure consistency in surface quality and optical performance.
Fengruida Optoelectronics is committed to providing customers with outstanding optical solutions, and the gold-coated reflective mirror demonstrates our technical expertise in optical design and manufacturing.

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    Building 9, 3rd Floor, Songjiang Light Park, Longmen Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Guangxin District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

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